What is VPN?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology that allows users to create a secure and encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the Internet. VPNs are commonly used to protect sensitive data, enhance privacy, bypass censorship, and provide secure access to network resources.

What is a kill switch?

A kill switch in VPN technology is a security feature designed to protect your privacy and data in case your VPN connection unexpectedly drops. When the VPN connection is interrupted, the kill switch automatically blocks all internet traffic to and from your device until the VPN connection is re-established. This prevents your real IP address and any unencrypted data from being exposed to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or any other third parties.

What is double VPN?

Double VPN is a feature that adds an extra layer of security and privacy to your internet connection. In a standard VPN setup, your internet traffic is encrypted and routed through a single VPN server. With Double VPN, your traffic is encrypted and routed through two different VPN servers, typically located in different countries, before reaching its final destination.

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